Kay Murphy's Studio, P.O. Box 340, Talbott, Tennessee 37877-0340 kaymurphy41@gmail.com

Artist/Illustrator/Author/Greeting Card Designer

Friday, June 15, 2012

Change of date on my scratchboard classes

My scratchboard classes will be moved to a week later starting on Sat. June 30th, July 7th and July 14th. Three Saturday's in a row 1-4 in the afternoons at The Rose Center in Morristown Tn.  Photo at left is an example of my scratchboard. Call Rose Center for details 423-581-4330.   I will also be teaching a Hand-Made greeting card class Wed. June 27th 1-4 in the afternoon                              


Sandy Sandy Art said...

Wow, really nice cow!! ☺

Barb Goodsitt said...

Best of luck with your classes!

Kay Murphys Studio said...

Thanks Sandy and Barbara