Kay Murphy's Studio, P.O. Box 340, Talbott, Tennessee 37877-0340 kaymurphy41@gmail.com

Artist/Illustrator/Author/Greeting Card Designer

Friday, August 29, 2008


Visit my card shop, I have a lot of NEW ones up, my old collectors may find a different slant on these cards, please feel free to order from this site. I feel you will be pleased with the finished product.
CLICK ON THE KAY'S CARD SHOP ON THE RIGHT. "Greeting Card Universe". This will take you to my cards. "Under Kay's Art links"
Have fun. Feel free to email if you need something special. I have Birthday, wedding invite's,Christmas, missing you..Check it out.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Stuff

I have been working on NEW gift ideas for my clients, I am offering "Gift in a Card " tm. A Christmas or greeting card with a Bookmark inside, also magnets with small print images of mine on them, "Kitchen Art"tm. Magnets are big enough to give the client a nice piece of my art, one of my prints. Decorate that ref..

See 2 of my magnets images above. Great gift idea for this coming Holiday season, don't break the budget this year, buy from Kay Murphy's Studio, give a wonderful gift for a small amount. Bookmarks, Cards,and Magnets are designed and produced in house by Kay Murphy's Studio.