Kay Murphy's Studio, P.O. Box 340, Talbott, Tennessee 37877-0340 kaymurphy41@gmail.com

Artist/Illustrator/Author/Greeting Card Designer

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New colored pencil design

Newest colored pencil design see it on my zazzle store. Card, wrapping paper, fabric..

New colored pencil design

New colored pencil design. Find this design on fabric, wrapping paper, cards, ect on my zazzle store. !940's style of art.

New coloring page

My newest coloring page will be added to my coloring book.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Colored pencils and Watercolor

 My latest paintings one colored pencils, the other watercolor and gouache. Both are note cards and prints.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Mixed media drawing on Black paper

Great Horned Owl drawing, ink colored pencils, watercolor. Makes for a nice contrast on dark paper.

New designs Christmas Notes Cards

Two new Christmas Note card designs
just finished and ready for my shows and
online stores..

Monday, October 19, 2015

Mixed media paintings

 Three new Images over the  week-end Ink, Watercolor and Colored pencil on black paper.
It was a learning experience, especially the eyes which I love to paint, soul of an animal. I will be doing more with this approach...Also they scanned better than I thought they would will be doing some printing with these.. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Newest Calendar and Adult Coloring Book

 Finished my Adult Coloring Book now on Etsy for Sale $20.00 plus s/h

2016 Nature Calendar is now on Etsy for Sale $25.00 plus s/h

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Wed. Oct. 7 is the first session of my Watercolor Workshop

Oct 7 Wednesday
is the first day of my Watercolor Workshop
I'm so looking forward to it. It is held in White Pine Bookstore.
I will have a few students that I know and have taught before, some new students,
 I am sure will it will be fun bunch
So looking forward to watch them grow in learning a fun way to paint
with watercolor.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Owl painting Who You

Newest Mixed Media Painting 
"Who You"
will be available on a numerous of my art items
 cards, prints and etc 

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Fall Aspen Leaves note cards

New note cards from my watercolor, 6 cards and envelopes.....

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Falling Leaves note cards

Newest Note Cards
6 cards and envelopes.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Workshop Watercolor

My newest watercolor I will be using this piece of my art as a teaching tool
salt effect, glazing, on wet in wet.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Watercolor and Colored pencils

I do believe I use ever watercolor medium  I had on my drafting table on this piece, had a lot of fun and tried things I had not used  before..Pleased with the results

Sunday, September 6, 2015

More watercolor tips and tricks by Kay

Watercolor tips and Tricks by Kay
I will be teaching a series of 3 classes
at White Pine Bookstore Sept.23 Sept. 30 and Oct 7

Friday, September 4, 2015

Watercolor Techniques by Kay

Tricks and tips for teaching watercolor workshop.
Different effects you can achieve using mediums and
other items. 

Kay Murphy's Studio: Teaching watercolor again White Pine Bookstore

Kay Murphy's Studio: Teaching watercolor again White Pine Bookstore

Teaching watercolor again White Pine Bookstore

Well it has been a while since I have taught about a year, I ready to get back at it, full force.

I will begin teaching at the White Pine Bookstore Sept. 23. hours: 11-2. 
This a 3 time session, so it will take place every Wed at the bookstore,you must register and pre-pay in advance.
Limited class so sign up early.
this is the beginners class or a good refresher course.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Christmas note cards "Church Ladies"

"Church Ladies"
Finally got it tweaked and printed and had orders for some of the 
Christmas cards.
This design is also available with out a greeting one the front and minus the wreath. I can put any greeting you would like such as
"Christmas Blessings", "Happy Holidays" me I like Merry Christmas. Send me a
email if you are interested.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Kay Murphy's Studio: Church Ladies my newest colored pencil design

Kay Murphy's Studio: Church Ladies my newest colored pencil design

Church Ladies my newest colored pencil design

Latest colored pencil design, I will  use it as note cards, Christmas notes, giclee print.
I need to tweak it up, scan the full image, set-up note cards, etc.
Prints and notes will be available soon.
The birds are House Finch females. Homer and I have laughed at the cute little birds as they have their spats at our feeders, they so remind me of the church ladies who think they have sat in the same seat every Sunday and God help anyone who unknowingly is in that special seat... 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Red-Tailed Hawk visitor

Homer and I are at our normal perches on the kitchen porch the other day we notice,  that no birds were at the feeders, strange huh we starting talking about for the last couple of days, there has not been many birds at certain times of the day. When all of a sudden into the pine tree flies a red-tailed hawk. No wonder! Later he or she flew onto the fence surrounding the area our feeders are in. Such fun to watch this gorgeous bird of prey, it sat on the fence for about 20 or so minutes. So we have gotten up close and personal.

It was back this morning doing 2 swoops across the yard. Our chipmunk is missing he may have been lunch, hope not.  

Friday, August 14, 2015

Humming bird and House Finch

Homer and I make a habit out of sitting on the kitchen porch watching the birds at the feeders. we also have 2 humming bird feeders. The other morning we we at our usual chairs when all of a sudden this tiny little humming bird is chasing a house finch female this went on for several minutes, as the chase went from one limb to the other with this tiny mad as a hornet humming bird ruled the roost over the bigger bird.  We had never seen this behavior before, two people now has a education of humming bird mad...what a treat to watch but I'm sure what ever the house finch did it will not happen again.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Dr. Homer S. Wallace: I am doing some research on whether or not the chu...

Dr. Homer S. Wallace: I am doing some research on whether or not the church...: I am doing some research on whether or not the church is, in general, declining.  I would appreciate your comment(s).  Thank You...

Saturday, August 1, 2015

I am now designing and printing personalized note-cards Example of one above. Check out my etsy store for pricing and of course more examples.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

New illustrations ready for note cards and prints

 My Illustrations are available for licensing or from me as giclee print or note cards. Prints are $25.00 a piece plus s/h . Note cards are 6 cards to pack with envelopes for $10.00 plus $ 3.00 s/h . US only. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Chickadee and Red Berries colored pencil design

My Newest Colored pencil design available in print and note cards

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Chickadees colored pencils design

Pair of Chickadees Newest colored pencil illustration.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Newest colored pencil drawing

Newest colored pencil drawing( Pair of cardinals)
I will be teaching workshops later this summer in my home.

Friday, May 29, 2015